Where to Buy

Contact us at info@compasschocolates.ca for information on how to become retailer.

FREE local delivery in St. Albert Saturdays between 10am and 2pm

PICKUP for online orders available from Klondyke Flowers, St. Albert

Find our products in store (listed in alphabetical order):

Absolute Serendipity
5-118 Millennium Dr, Fort McMurray
Art Gallery St. Albert
19 Perron St, St. Albert
Concept Jewelry
20 Perron St, St. Albert
Confetti Sweets
6-41 Broadway Blvd, Sherwood Park
Freson Bros
5139 Mullen Rd, Edmonton
10720 142 St NW, Edmonton
4416 48 St, Stony Plain
150 Westpark Blvd, Fort Saskatchewan
Klondyke Flowers
19 Bellerose Dr, St. Albert
Jungle Flowers
4921 50 Ave, Saint Paul
The Makers Keep
Kingsway Mall, Edmonton
2755 Broadmoor Blvd, Sherwood Park
St. Albert Centre Mall, St. Albert
The Grand, 10806 124 St, Edmonton
NAIT Market
Main Campus, 11762 106 St NW, Edmonton
REN Massage and Wellness
205-47 Athabascan Ave, Sherwood Park
Wild Roots
150-15 Perron St, St. Albert